100 days celebration DOMINIC
It is a Chinese tradition to celebrate 100th day of a newborn. For Malaysian Chinese community, family is the center of society. A new birth in family brings everyone in together and is an important milestone to mark the arrival of a new family member into the family tree. It is a long-time meaningful ritual to celebrate love and kinship.
Here’s a glimpse into Dominic’s 100th Day Birthday celebration with his favorite cartoon, 101 Dalmatian as the party’s theme. Filled with velvet cupcakes and quirky dots decorations,this eventgathers relatives, families and friends from near or far.The tradition of this celebration also very meaningful as it is to mark the recovery period post-natal for the mother.While the tradition is still in practice, parents now have inject some mordenism into this celebration as can seen in the photos.
Every moments of life is worth celebrating, minimally by photos no less. of our life worth the celebration.